Welcome | DOLECKI Sp. z o.o.

Contact Company registration data DOLECKI Sp. z o.o. [DOLECKI Polish limited liability company]41-800 Zabrzeul. Asnyka 13Poland Tax Identification Number  PL6482807499REGON 520735408KRS 0000944710District Court in Gliwice 10th Commercial Division of the National Court Register Share capital of PLN 2,000,000 Headquarters and production 41-800 Zabrzeul. Asnyka 13Poland Opening hours We work Monday to Fridayfrom 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Welcome! Contact details Telephone: +48 32 230 48 15 Fax: +48 32 230 48 16 Cellular phone: +48 508 84 84 04 E-mail: info@dolecki.eu Skype: firma.dolecki
